Smart Sensor


Smart sensors can detect and measure physical parameters. By implementing a network of smart sensors in your equipment or your working environment, you create value. This value is in the data that it creates. These data can be used to predict, analyze, plan, and diagnose problems.

The smart sensor is self-learning. It understands what happens in a room and dissects what it perceived. The sensor can determine whether a machine works or not, the presence of employees, the number of employees present, the productivity of individual employees and their attendance, the quality of the work, and allows you to quantify qualitative actions or objects and identify an employee or an object.

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    Comparative Tables

     Industrial sensorIOT logic sensorIOT sensor3D sensorMELIORE sensor
    Measurement of physical data (temperature, pressure)x x  
    Binary measure (on/ off, presence or not)xx   
    RJ45 and/or wi-fi connectivity xxxx
    A simple dashboard integration xx x
    Simple parts countingxxx x
    Count of productivity complex    x
    3D object detection   xx
    Qualitative assessment of a situation    x
    Understanding of the environment and its evolution    x
    Identification of employees    x
    Evaluation of several measures with the same sensor    x