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Environmental Archives - MELIORE



Productivity in excavation

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Environmental, Operational Research, Supply Chain Optimization, Transport & Logistics|

The company The company is a heavy machinery operator The problem The company was faced with a very competitive market and has to improve its methods in order to successfully win contracts. The company works with trucks and heavy machinery to perform bulk transports for short distances. The approach With the knowledge of the managers in [...]

Optimization of transshipment operations

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Case Study, Data Mining, Environmental, Finance, Operational Research, Supply Chain Optimization, Transport & Logistics|

The company Leader in waste management The problem The company has many processing and transshipment centers and wanted to validate management rules. The problem came from a large amount of decision possibilities between transship, sort and then transship and no transship. The approach MELIORE conducted a mapping of the business processes in order to build a [...]

Optimization of working hours

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Environmental|

The company Quebec leader in recycling The problem The recycling company wishing to increase productivity within various constraints of customer service. The approach With the knowledge of managers in place, MELIORE built a mathematical model to optimize work schedules to ensure service to customers while improving productivity. The benefits The company was able to increase productivity [...]

Development of a waste management schedule

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Case Study, Environmental, Operational Research, Public|

The company A group of 20 municipalities in Quebec The problem The 20 municipalities are grouped for the management of their waste management to generate economies of scale. To maximize their savings, they wanted to combine their schedules to get equal tonnage collection days. This stability in daily tonnage would reduce pressure on their collectors, and [...]