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Business Process Improvement Archives - MELIORE

Business Process Improvement

/Business Process Improvement

Increase of production capacity

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Call Center, Case Study, Manufacturer, Operational Research|

The company Manufacturer of welded parts The problem The company manufactures mechanical welded parts, mainly steel, using a machine shop setup. Its more restrictive resource was space as production capacity was used at 100%. Unable to expand its facilities, the company partnered with MELIORE to find solutions. The approach MELIORE used several tools to optimize their [...]

Productivity in excavation

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Environmental, Operational Research, Supply Chain Optimization, Transport & Logistics|

The company The company is a heavy machinery operator The problem The company was faced with a very competitive market and has to improve its methods in order to successfully win contracts. The company works with trucks and heavy machinery to perform bulk transports for short distances. The approach With the knowledge of the managers in [...]

Modification and improvement of a management software package

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Data Mining, Manufacturer, Operational Research, Public|

The company A manufacturer in the transportation industry The problem The growing company needed to improve productivity and reduce delivery times. Since the communication between the administration and the factories was deficient, the company incurred loss of time due to stockouts. Its ERP system had a lot of data but was not able to provide advanced [...]

Development of mathematical algorithm to solve the inverse kinematics in real-time of a redundant robot

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Television & Cinema, Transport & Logistics|

The company An innovative company in the movie industry. The problem The company has acquired a robot-cameraman in order to produce new types of special effects in the film and television industry. The robot had 8 degrees of freedom, so it was redundant. The company needed to control the robot in real time using inverse kinematics, [...]

Optimization of working hours

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Environmental|

The company Quebec leader in recycling The problem The recycling company wishing to increase productivity within various constraints of customer service. The approach With the knowledge of managers in place, MELIORE built a mathematical model to optimize work schedules to ensure service to customers while improving productivity. The benefits The company was able to increase productivity [...]

Study of the workflow and redevelopment of a manufacturing plant

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Decision Aid, Manufacturer, Supply Chain Optimization|

The company A leader in the manufacturing of metal parts in the environmental industry The problem The company faced with strong growth wanted to change its floor plan layout in order to plan an expansion of its facility in the next few years. The approach Before changing the layout, MELIORE proceeded  with a discrete-event simulation in [...]