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admin1!, Author at MELIORE - Page 4 of 4



About admin1!

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So far admin1! has created 37 blog entries.

Study of the workflow and redevelopment of a manufacturing plant

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Business Process Improvement, Case Study, Decision Aid, Manufacturer, Supply Chain Optimization|

The company A leader in the manufacturing of metal parts in the environmental industry The problem The company faced with strong growth wanted to change its floor plan layout in order to plan an expansion of its facility in the next few years. The approach Before changing the layout, MELIORE proceeded  with a discrete-event simulation in [...]

Élaboration de grilles d’analyse pour la sélection de projets

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

L’entreprise Une des régions administratives ayant le plus haut taux de croissance au Canada Le problème La région doit bâtir annuellement un plan d’investissement en infrastructures routières respectant ses engagements et ses budgets. La sélection des projets était source de grand débat et les projets sélectionnés ne concordaient pas avec les projets les plus prioritaires aux [...]

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Development of prioritization method for the selection of projects

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Case Study, Operational Research, Public|

The company One of the regions with the highest growth rate in Canada The problem The region must build a road infrastructure investment plan annually respecting its commitments and its budgets. The selection of projects was a source of great debate and selected projects were not consistent with the highest priority projects in the eyes of [...]

Étude d’ordonnancement de la production des produits hors standard

August 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

L’entreprise Leader nord-américain dans la fabrication d’équipement pour camion Le problème Le client produit des pièces de grande dimension selon un principe de chaine de production. Les changements dans le marché ont fait qu’il a dû développer de nouveaux produits de dimension significativement plus grande que ce qu’il produit dans ses standards. Puisque les produits n’étaient [...]

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Review of the production scheduling for the non-standard products

August 5th, 2015|Categories: Case Study, Manufacturer, Operational Research|

The company A North American leader in the truck equipment manufacturing The problem The customer products are manufactured using a production line. Changes in the market forced the company to develop new products significantly larger than what it produced normally. Since the products were not suitable to be mass-produced, off-dimension products were produced outside the production [...]

Élaboration d’une méthode de comparaison qualitative pour la sélection d’un fournisseur de logiciel

August 5th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

L’entreprise Une des plus grandes villes canadiennes, pour le département des achats. Le problème La ville désirait évaluer plusieurs fournisseurs de solution logicielle pour la gestion des permis de construction. Les préoccupations de la ville étaient au niveau de l’implication des utilisateurs dans le processus de sélection du gagnant de l’appel d’offres, qui est soumise à [...]

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Development of a method for qualitative comparison in the selection process of a software provider

August 5th, 2015|Categories: Case Study, Decision Aid, Public|

The company One of the largest Canadian cities for its Purchasing Department. The problem The city wanted to evaluate several suppliers of software solutions for the management of the building permits. Their concerns were at the level of the involvement of users in the process of selection of the winner of the tender, which is subject [...]