MELIORE artificial intelligence is a set of concepts and formulas based on thousands of variables capable of simulating human intelligence. Depending on your business, MELIORE adjusts to your needs. It has three levels of artificial intelligence. The first level is its ability to recognize and understand movements in an environment. The second level is its ability to detect anomalies in business processes. The third level is its power to be self-learning in your business reality, to detect trends imperceptible to humans due to the large amount of data, and ultimately to recommend the most profitable solutions according to your situation. What sets him apart the most is that he can have eyes everywhere at the same time and that he has the strength to be focused 100% of the time all the time.

Our MELIORE company gives you the opportunity to put your energies elsewhere and to be faster than your competitors.


MELIORE artificial intelligence learns from your business data, predicts based on your experience, infers and makes intelligent decisions in real time. For example, to predict employee productivity, MELIORE takes into account a multitude of parameters, such as order book, machine adjustment, product, weather and even lunar cycles.

Our Artificial Intelligence services can help you:

Plan your business strategies Understand your competitors’ strategies Reduce labor turnover rate Anticipate obstacles in the implementation of a project.

Measurable benefits

Increase quality increase the speed Increase efficiency Reduced planning gaps Reduce operating costs Reduction of delivery times

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Examples of applications in different business sectors
  • vibration analysis
  • trend forecast
  • complex systems analysis
  • machine data analysis
  • Optimization of operating parameters
  • employee data analysis
  • Optimization of operating parameters
  • Machine shutdown prevention
  • Machine shutdown prevention
  • Scheduling and improving the rate of use of equipment
  • Real-time analysis of video streams
  • Military defense real-time video stream analysis behavioral predictions strategies and simulations

    Smart Services

    Operationnal Research

    •Planification de la production optimisée •Élaboration d'horaires de travail •Génération de routes de transport optimales

    Operationnal Research

    •Planification de la production optimisée• Development of work schedules • Generation of optimal transport routes

    Artificial Intelligence

    •Grille d'analyse multicritères •Comparaison rationnelle de soumissionnaires •Comparaison de plusieurs projets ou de plusieurs possibilités

    Artificial Intelligence

    Multi-criteria analysis grid Rational comparison of bidders Comparison of several projects or several possibilities

    Data Mining

    •Analyse de données •Intelligence artificielle •Analyse de temps de cycle

    Data Mining

    Data analysis Artificial intelligence Cycle time analysis

    Decision Aid

    Les entreprises agiles doivent être en mesure de prendre les bonnes décisions rapidement. Avec des outils d’aide à la décision en main, les gestionnaires pourront

    Decision Aid

    Accelerate the pace at which decisions are made Reduce the cost of decisions Improve the competitiveness of project portfolios Reduce uncertainties following the choice of selected projects

    Smart Products

    Virtual Supervisor

    Le travail du superviseur virtuel est de supporter le contremaître dans ses fonctions et de l’aider à diriger et contrôler le travail de.

    Virtual Supervisor

    Lower the costs Reduce current product inventories Reduce your losses or rejections Reduce fatigue

    Virtual Operator

    L’opérateur virtuel travaille principalement avec des équipements semi-automatisés et il est appelé, avec.

    Virtual Operator

    Improve productivity Improve quality Reduce the energy bill

    Virtual Excavator

    MELIORE, l’excavateur virtuel, joue un rôle primordial dans la gestion de projet lié aux bâtiments et aux travaux publics.

    Virtual Excavator

    Improve productivity Get information from the office To save money

    Virtual Planner

    Le travail du planificateur virtuel de production est d’ordonnancer la circulation de produits et de matières.

    Virtual Planner

    Improve productivity Improve quality Reduce the energy bill


    Les capteurs intelligents sont des dispositifs capables de comprendre l’environnement dans lequel ils sont installés.


    Accelerate the pace at which decisions are made Reduce the cost of decisions Improve the competitiveness of project portfolios